| Head of Pricing | National Petroleum Authority |

I’m the Head of Pricing at the National Petroleum Authority (NPA). I’m a graduate of the Accra Academy, University of Ghana and GIMPA. I hold a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and an MBA in Finance. Leadership is my passion and I continuously seek opportunities to use my experiences and knowledge to motivate others, particularly the young, to contribute to positive change wherever they find themselves. I’m very affable and socially active. I’m an avid sports fan with particular interest in Football, Basketball and Formula 1. I love to read. I have offered to be a book because it gives me an opportunity to share my experiences to guide others.

Konnekt World

KonneKt is a global, professional mentoring and coaching platform with personalized programs that seeks to develop its fellows in their educational journeys, career development and management, emotional/psychological well-being and relationship building.


Ghida Eid


Phyllis Kuenyehia